Thursday, December 29, 2011

Just Getting Started...Effective Low Impact Exercises For Weight Loss

One of the best ways to achieve a fit, flexible and fat free body is to introduce a effective exercise routine into your daily lifestyle. The most efficient way to lose weight is by performing a exercise that involves the whole body. The more muscles and body parts involved, the more calories burned.

There are many exercises that can benefit weight loss, but we will focus on 4 low impact activities.

Kick Boxing - Kick Boxing is a very good martial art form that can help shed fat while helping to shape the body at the same time. Kick Boxing also improves core strength and balance, which is very important, as this will help your performance with any other activity you choose to do for weight loss. There will be no muscles unused during this high intensity activity, which can help burn 400-600 calories each workout, as well as shape your midsection very quickly.

Swimming - Swimming is a great activity for burning calories. Even though the water takes a lot of the weight away, you still must balance every body part in order to stay upright and a float. People who are over weight can greatly benefit from swimming exercises due to the extremely low impact of the activity. Swimming is excellent for building muscle stamina, strength, and involving the whole body for maximum calories burned.

Here is a challenge for you to try.....Tread water for as long as possible, and when you are done try to find a muscle on your body that is not fatigued. If you tread as long as you can I bet you can't find one.

Power Walking - Power Walking is one of the most popular and yet simple exercises to perform. Lets not get power walking and walking confused. Power walking is in a category by itself. Power walking is a fast paced walk performed for a period of time to get your heart rate at a targeted level. Once this is achieved on a consistent basis metabolic rate will start to increase and more fat burning will take place. This exercise can be performed outside or on a treadmill in the comfort of your own home. This is very low impact and highly recommended for someone overweight (all ages) starting a new exercise program.

Pilates - Pilates is growing more popular everyday. Pilates helps to develop a strong "core" or center of body. The core is made up of abdominal muscles as well as the muscles closest to the spine region. Pilates teaches you to train your mind while building symmetry and muscle coordination. When you emphasize correct breathing, proper spinal and pelvic alignment, and concentration on smooth flowing movements, you become sharply in tune with your body. Proper breathing is very important, as it will help you perform movements with maximum power efficiency.

Pilates Weight-Loss Workout For Dummies
Proper breathing can lead to reduced stress. Elevated stress can trigger many variables, and weight gain is one of them. Pilates will help flatten your stomach through your mind body awareness and core strength. The tighter your core is... the flatter your stomach. The better your mind body awareness is...the better your posture, which improves the look of your body shape.

These are just a few examples of low impact exercise that can get you started to your new year of fitness.
Whatever your fitness goal may be...just remember that intensity and consistency (with healthy diet) will lead to the results your looking for.

Want more help with your weight loss and fitness goals...check out these surprising foods and tips to lose abdominal fat!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Increase Bench Press By Up To 20 lbs. With Simple Exercise

How would you like a spike in upper-body power and a more powerful bench press after only a few workouts? Yes, I know adding 20 lbs. to your bench press in that short of time sounds unattainable, especially if you have been fighting with the same poundages for a while. 90% of the time people get stuck in a plateau because of a certain muscle weakness that is very easy to strengthen. This weakness is not in the shoulders, chest or triceps, but rather a small group of muscles called the rotator cuff.

The responsibility of the rotator cuff muscles is to support and stabilize the shoulder joint. These muscles protect the shoulder joint stability while performing the bench press and all other upper-body movements. If your rotator cuff muscles are underdeveloped, they become the weak link in your upper-body lifts and your pressing strength suffers, or you could also suffer a injury due to the extreme force put on such a small underdeveloped muscle during  heavy pressing exercises.

In order to strengthen your rotator cuff muscles and get that upper-body power surge you will need to perform direct rotator cuff exercises. Once you incorporate these exercises into your workout (two to three sets twice per week) for a few weeks, you will begin to see increased strength gains in your pressing movements. After a few weeks of consistent rotator cuff exercises you will be stunned with your new found benching power!

Give these exercises a shot for a few weeks and hopefully you will see yourself busting through that stubborn plateau you have been battling with for months.

For more muscle building and plateau busting tips check out Vince Delmonte's 1000 Rep Muscle Building Program.