You should start out by setting aside an hour of your day for your exercise program. Dedication and consistency are the key elements for the beginning of the exercise program. The reason I say this is because 60% of people will not follow through with their exercise program and goals. If you can stay consistent for 4-6 weeks you will see the results, which will trigger more motivation to keep going and so on. We will keep this somewhat simple for the first 6 weeks.
We are going to do a two on-one off-two on training split for the first six weeks. Monday you will work out your upper body, Tuesday is lower body, Wednesday is 30 minutes of cardio (your choice), Thursday is upper body and Friday is lower body. This split will assure that all body parts are being worked. Each body part twice a week at medium volume is a beginner’s can’t lose muscle gainer routine. You should keep your reps at the 10-12 range, since this will give you the most muscle fiber stimulation. Rest for a minute between sets. If you are looking to burn more fat, increase the intensity and rest only 30 seconds between sets. Below is an example workout for your Monday-Friday routine.
Monday- barbell bench press 3x10, barbell shoulder press 3x10, machine rows (for upper back) 3x10, barbell bicep curls 3x10, tricep push downs 3x10
Tuesday- barbell squats (form important) 3x10, leg extensions 3x10, leg curls (hamstrings) 3x10, calf raises 3x10
Wednesday- 30 minutes cardio
Thursday- dumbbell bench press 3x10, dumbbell shoulder press, dumbbell rows (for upper back), Dumbbell bicep curl 3x10, tricep pushdowns 3x10
Friday- barbell squats 3x10, leg extensions 3x10, leg curls 3x10, calf raises 3x10
This should give you a great start to your program. You want to make sure you set goals because this will help you track your progress and fuel motivation. Also, keep a log book of your weight and reps; each week you want to try to increase your weight. This is a great way to increase strength, which leads to muscle growth.
Last, but certainly not least, I would suggest a whey protein powder supplement for starters. Protein is the main building block for muscle growth. Whey protein taken before and after a workout is a great muscle gainer. I would suggest 25-35 grams of whey protein before and after a workout. For optimum muscle growth, consume 1-11/2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. I will talk more about sports nutrition supplements in posts to come.
If you are dead serious about creating a physique that demands respect? Check out this muscle building program!
If you are dead serious about creating a physique that demands respect? Check out this muscle building program!
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